Monday, March 21, 2011


As I sit here with a used to be a migraine but now downgraded to just plain bad headache I can't help but be happy. Mainly this is because when I go to my handy dandy weather checking website it says that it's a balmy 76 degrees outside.

Are you kidding me?!

Spring is definitely here! (I'm ignoring the fact that Thursday's high is only 48.)

Here is a top ten list of things that I love, love, love about Spring:

10. My car runs better when it's warm outside. Don't ask me why, perhaps it's because we have this weird telepathic link. You see, I've found that I myself run better when it's warm outside too!

9. Two words: Open Windows. Because Spring in the Ohio River valley guarantees a constant breeze which I love having swirl around in my house.

8. Colors! Right now some of my favorite colors to wear are coral, purple, and any shade of green.

7. Speaking of green, let's hear it for green! The grass is growing and, more importantly, the farmers are sowing. One of my favorite things about living in Kentucky, and in rural Kentucky at that, is the way the fields seem to come alive in a matter of weeks.

6. Easter is upon us! Christmas is great but Easter has it's own feeling, you know? It's a feeling that encompasses the entire spectrum of emotions: from the despair of Good Friday to the jubilee that comes with Easter Sunday.

5. Produce: call it wishful thinking but I was at the grocery today and the produce section looked more vibrant than it has in months. And for that, I am very thankful, even if it is just my imagination.

4. Energy. I have more energy when it's warm. Taking walks, cleaning my house (which, oddly enough, I enjoy), cooking, baking... life is just so much easier when it's 80 degrees outside.

3. Blanket nights, in which we lay out in our front yard in the evenings on a blanket. Again, because I live out in the middle of nowhere it is for the most part quiet, peaceful. On top of that the stars are so bright! I definitely could not get used to life in or even near a big city.

2. Sandals. I mean I really love wearing sandals! On top of that I love getting pedicures. It's a win, win.

1. The number one thing I love about Spring? Spring brings hope. Let's face it, I am the eternal pessimist. But something about Spring seems to diminish that inclination in me, even if just for a while.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Speaking of produce, I wanted to buy everything in the produce section: watermelon, pineapple, grapes... I just bought strawberries and made strawberry shortcakes! Delicious.