Here's how Psalm 136 looks when I write it in direct relation to the happenings of my life. I don't think King David or God will mind.
Praise the Lord, because he always provides
His love endures forever.Even when your bank account looks scary
His love endures forever.Even when your new medicine makes you feel terribly sick
His love endures forever. He puts plans in motion for my good, because He is Good
His love endures forever.
Even when I'm a loser and ignore Him
His love endures forever.
I know He is for me, so I'm not afraid of anything
His love endures forever.Sometimes I wonder why in the heck he has me here but
His love endures forever.He gives purpose in lonely times
His love endures forever.He left me the Holy Spirit to comfort and give counsel
His love endures forever.He has been faithful in the past therefore I look to Him for my future
His love endures forever.He humbled himself to the status of a servant for me
His love endures forever.He has given me a partner I can share with in life and ministry
His love endures forever.
He delights in the smallest of victories in my life
His love endures forever.He puts passions in my heart that will bring glory to his name
His love endures forever.Even when I come to him out of selfish ambition
His love endures forever.He is ruler of creation yet I'm his friend!
His love endures forever.
He draws near to me as I draw near to him
His love endures forever.
I will follow Him all the days of my life
His love endures forever.