This weekend I spent some time in Paducah doing Extended Teaching Care for a conference. It's glorified babysitting, really but the pay is good and it keeps me happy.
They put us up in a hotel, and thankfully this place is nice enough to serve us a continental breakfast. Yaay.
I stumbled down the stairs with my suitcase, grabbed a donut, and started watching some morning news show doing a segment on women starting to imitate Sarah Palin's style. (PS: Love her, don't like him. What's a girl to do?)
I couldn't help but overhear the conversation next to me between a father of non-national descent
(not telling what, because I'm not singling out any single nationality) and his teenage daughter. She had asked her dad who Sarah Palin was and the father proceeded to explain that she was the Republican VP candidate.
He then proceeded to bash Sarah about her 17 year old daughter who is expecting a child. Here are his exact words,
"She has a 17 year old who is pregnant. An unwed mother!
(At this point he literally spit on his plate.) She cannot even control her family, let alone control a country!"
This conversation left me feeling disconcerted for numerous reasons, not the least being that I have an awesome sister-in-law who is expecting a child in similar circumstances.
If I were to offer a rebuttle to this man (and thankfully, I did
not!) it would go like this:
The office of President and Vice President of the United States, thankfully, is not about
control. It's about
leadership. It's true, Ms. Palin could not
control her daughter's action. But I feel that by their choice to keep the baby she is
leading her daughter in Truth and into a mature adulthood.
And after all, sir, isn't that the way you hope to raise your daughter? Maybe you aren't so different from Ms. Palin as you might believe.