Friday, April 3, 2009

Dry Town

I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like my passion for the Lord goes through cycles of waxing and waning. I can categorically say that I feel like I'm in a waning stage right now. And that's ok. I've been a believer for 14 years. It's bound to happen now and then.

One of the things that seems to drag me through a waning period is music. I specifically have a list of about 5 songs right now that remind me of my path with the Lord and speak truth into my life, even when I'm doing mindless things like checking my emails or getting ready to go somewhere.

Would you like to know what my list is?
  1. Dry Town by Andy Gullahorn
  2. Never Let Me Down by Andy Gullahorn
  3. You Won't Relent by Misty Edwards
  4. I Will Waste My Life by Misty Edwards
  5. I Am Yours by Misty Edwards
If I could just meld some of those song lyrics together it would be a concoction of endless encouragement:

Though I sleep, my heart is awake. Though it's night, on you I wait. I still believe this drought will end even if there are no clouds in sight. Because you never let me down. I'll set you as a seal upon my heart. For there is love that is as strong as death, jealously demanding as the grave. And many waters cannot quench this love! Like a hard rain in this dry town you bring life to this dead ground. Let me find I'm at your feet. For I'm in love with you and there is no cost. I'm in love with you and there is no loss. Just let me cling to you, Jesus. You might let me cry. You might let me sing. You might let me feel a fraction of your suffering. But you'll never let me down. So come be the fire inside of me! Come be the flame upon my heart! Come be the fire inside of me, until you and I are one! Though you're far away, still I'm here to say, "I am yours! I am yours!" For when I heard your voice, and you said my name, when I heard your voice my heart it yearned for You.

Sometimes I just feel the need to shout it throughout the day: "You never let me down!" "I am yours!" "Come be the fire inside of me!"

If any of you reading this can relate, one thing I urge you to do is to speak truth over your life. Even if you don't "feel" it you know it's True. So say it. Say to your heart, "Heart, you will receive this truth: _______________!" And then name it.

He is Good!
He is kind!
He is merciful!
He is all-powerful!
He is beauty!
He is truth!
He is wise!
He knows best!
He loves me!
He is fair!
He is for me, not against me!
He is present!
He heals!
He ate with tax collectors and sinners!
He is not mad at me!

Heart, receive that truth. Receive it!

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