Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Oh, I SO love Taboo! The more people that play the better and we had a crew of eight tonight. Here are some of my favorite one-liners:

(the word is "body piercing")
Ed: "Ok, Dusty and Emily do not have this anymore."
Laura: "Oh, oh a home! An address!!"

(the word is "cuddle")
Dusty: "Ok, you like to do this at night. You say you want to "blank" me!"
insert awkward laughter from everyone at this point and me turning eight shades of red**

(the word is "whistle")
JP: "This is something I can't do. I can't do this thing."
Aubri: "Oh, swim!"
JP: "aw..." (insert deflated look here.)

(the word is "diamond")
Laura: "This is an oval with four points."
Everyone: "...huh?!"

(the word is "squeegee")
Adam: "Homeless people do this to your car at a stoplight."
Lindsay: "Um... umm..."
Adam: "It's a device they use, with water....!"

(the word is "ostrich")
Me: "This is a winged animal..."
Dusty: "Griffin!"

Tomorrow is a family photo shoot that d and I somehow missed the memo on. I'll let you know what Gabby wears later, because really, that's all anyone cares about anyway. :)


Adam Truax said...

I now have to take Taboo to Thanksgiving with me. G-ma will come up with some ridiculous things. And I do believe that I dominated you last time we played. And by dominated I mean I barely won.

Devon said...

Oh, I love this! What a fun game.