Emily asked me to write a guest blog for this lovely site, but her original request was a little daunting. "Top 10 songs that I am Glad Exist." Ridiculous right!?! How am I supposed to pick only 10 songs? So I narrowed the idea to "10 albums That I Couldn't Live Without." And after careful examination of my albums I couldn't narrow it down to 10. So I have changed the title of this blog post again, without asking Emily's permission, drum roll please ....
"5 albums That I Own That are Best Listened To In the Summer"
And here they are in no particular order.
Dave Barnes - Brother, Bring the Sun
This album pulls you in on the first 4 beats and just makes you smile. It's all about having fun and falling in love. 2 great summer motifs. When I listen to this in the car I can't help but dance and sing along, full voice, which grants me some strange looks and a little laughter from my fellow road warriors.
John Mayer - Room for Squares
I know a lot of people don't care for this guy, but this, his first album, is my favorite. Apart from one song (Your Body is a Wonderland) it does not disappoint. "Why Georgia" is poppy, catchy, and all around fun. And "Neon" has one of the coolest acoustic guitar riffs of all time. If you don't have it, go get it, roll down your windows, and go on a long Sunday afternoon drive.
Ryan Adams - Gold
When you hear the name Ryan Adams you probably don't think summer fun, but this album is the exception. A great soundtrack to a Saturday evening BBQ with friends this album is a fun album, but it doesn't go too crazy. "Answering Bell", "When the Stars Go Blue", and "Wildflowers" are the highlights.
Derek Webb and Sandra McCraken - Ampersand EP
When I was in Kentucky last May for Emily and Dusty's wedding I was driving from Louisville to Campbellsville and this album was my soundtrack. Kentucky is beautiful and this album fits perfectly. "When the Summer's Gone" is the standout but the other 5 tunes are wonderful.
The Ting Tings - We Started Nothing
Alright I know what your thinking, "The Ting Tings? Why them?" Well 2 words, they rock. This album doesn't slow down from the word go. It is fun and light and an easy listen if your cleaning the house, going on a run, or walking the dog. If the sun is shining and your listening to The Ting Tings, all is right with the world.
Well there you have it "5 albums That I Own That are Best Listened To In the Summer". Let me know your thoughts, criticisms, likes and dislikes.
Adam Truax