Thursday, January 1, 2009

Crazy [oh] Eight

I am currently sitting at my friend Adam's house, watching everyone play Mario Kart on the Wii. (Sidenote, the Wii is such a good investment. If you're considering buying one, it is totally worth it. And I don't even like video games.)

I am about an hour into 2009, but may I just say 2008 was crazy. I mean we're talking major major milestones were reached both in my life, and in the lives of my loved ones. What I better way to recap than to blog while I have nothing better to do? Let's take a gander, shall we?

5.10.08: Emily Graduates (finally.)
5.17.08: The Snyders Get A New Addition: Me!

10.7.08: Dusty Helps His Band Win Ham Days

10.11.08: The Gilkeys Are Wed//Dusty Has A Birthday

11.2.08: The Snyders Get Yet Another New Addition: Gabriella Grace!

12.12.08: Dusty Graduates, Too!

12.14.08: Dusty Gives Me A Black Eye (so this isn't a milestone but it's dang funny!)

Throw in a mid-November move, Dusty getting accepted into grad school, and me deciding to pursue a nursing degree; a new job possibility for Dusty that we're really stoked about, and two cars that are turning 10 years old this '09 and the stage has been set for an equally as interesting year!

Happy New Year everyone!


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