Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I, Yo, Ana

i am: a wife, now.
i think: i may have been fooled last summer.
i know: that not everything is how it seems.
i want: a laptop.
i have: more clothes than I do hangers.
i wish: dusty and i could travel more and work less.
i despise: constant negativity.
i miss: KC.
i feel: that to have peace you must contend.
i hear: the pounding worship beats of Anthony Skinner
i smell: passionfruit and guava
i crave: a niche.
i search: for my keys and cell phone on a daily basis.
i wonder: where we'll be in a year.
i regret: disobedience.
i love: dusty.
i ache: for the adventure of other countries.
i usually: am thinking more than i actually say.
i am not: the best advice giver, but i like to listen!
i believe: that my new niece will be beautiful.
i dance(d): at my wedding reception
i sing: a lot.
i cry: for justice.
i don't always: wake up on time, especially of late.
i write: in my journal.
i win: never when i play games with dusty. :)
i never: drink regular Coke.
i listen: to music... always.
i can usually be found: with a book in my purse.
i am scared: of insects and mice.
i am happy about: my wedding pictures.

(list stolen from a good friend. click here to see her list!)

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