Monday, June 9, 2008


I grew up Baptist. Nothing wrong with that, just good ole Baptist. And if you grew up baptist you know these letters very well, especially in the month of June, or sometimes July: VBS.

Vacation Bible School!

These letters can bring to mind feelings of excitement or make you break out in a cold sweat and not want to come to church for a month.

Well, I've gotten out of the Baptist realm, nothing wrong with that. But I'm not... quite... gone. You see, the daycare where I am employed is housed in this really large (for Campbellsville) Baptist church. We are not part of the church. We just use their children's wing during the week.

This week is the big Baptist church's VBS. So our children in the three and four year old classes are getting to attend. Can I just say that today was the most hectic, chaotic, frenzied day that I've ever had at a place of employment? Well... I just did.

I'm beginning to see VBS for what it is. Behind the scenes: it's an excuse for "good church goin' people" to put on their Power Trip Pants and dress up in a themed outfit and walk around with a staff badge and push people around. At least, that's what happened today.

But would they really care about that kid down the street with a broken family and mustard stains on his shirt if their VBS class wasn't in hot competition to have the most visitors? When I participated in VBS, I sure as heck didn't. Not as a child and not as a "youth worker." In all honesty, who are we kidding?

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